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Kit Image


panel with 8 on-board zones
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Centrales cableadas
Kit Image
specifications and features
Power consumption
Power mode AC
Voltage 230V
Battery model 12V 7Ah (no incluida)
Power consumption Max. 160mA a 12V DC
Quiescent current Max. 140mA a 12V DC
Output voltage of the power supply 13V ~ 14V Dc nominal (with AC and fully charged battery)
Auxiliary current output Max. 750mA a 12V DC
Operating temperature 0 ºC ~ 40 °C
Material and dimensions
Dimensions 264 x 357 x 81 mm
Material Acero
Net weight 6100 g
Wired on-board zones 8
Maximum number of wired zones 32
Maximum number of outputs 30
RFL settings 4K7 / 4K7, by default. Other selectable configurations type NC, NA and 1, 2 or 3 resistors
Motherboard connections with exterior 1 x X-Bus data module / 2 x RS232 port / 1 x USB / 1 x programming pen drive connector / 1 x RJ45
IP Sí, integrado en placa base
GPRS Sí, con módulo SPCN320
Partitions and memories
Maximum users 100
Reports of incidents 1000 with date and time
Grade 2
Via Radio
Wireless detectors 32
Maximum number of remote controls 32
Maximum recommended number of detectors per receiver 20
Via Radio Optional, with Vanderbilt modules via radio
Box tamper
Control de Acceso
Reports of incidents 1000
Maximum number of doors (entrance - entrance / exit) 4 / 2
Maximum number of door groups 2
Antipassback Yes
Custody Yes
Companion Yes
System Arming Functions Yes
Soft / hard Yes
Access control system Optional, with module SPCA210.100
Web server HTTPS embedded with 256-bit TLS encryption
Pluggable transmitters 2 GSM / GPRS / 3G y /o RTB with module SPCN110.000
Communication protocols Contact ID , SIA y SMS (RTB , GSM)
Firmware update Local and remote for motherboard, keyboards, expanders and language
Attributes section Image